Say Goodbye To Shoulder Pain: The Expert Treatment options

Shoulder pain- Just Unic

Swelling, injury, or changes to the bones near the rotator cuff can make your shoulder hurt. You might feel pain when you lift your arm overhead, move it forward, or reach behind your back.Shoulder pain

Breaking any of the bones in your shoulder can cause a lot of pain and make it hard to move. Shoulder fractures happen because of trauma or injury, like from a fall, sports accident, car crash, or a direct hit to the shoulder. Orthopedic specialists use the latest methods to diagnose and treat all types of shoulder fractures, aiming for the best results.

If you notice any of these symptoms, visit an orthopedic specialist

  • Shoulder pain
  • Swelling or bruising around the shoulder
  • Tenderness, pain when touched, or redness
  • Feeling like your shoulder is slipping out of its socket (shoulder instability)
  • Your shoulder looks deformed or out of place

Treatment of Shoulder Pain-

Surgical Treatment Options for Shoulder Pain:

  1. Shoulder Arthritis: Shoulder arthritis is a condition where the cartilage in the shoulder joint wears down, leading to pain, stiffness, and reduced range of motion. This degeneration can result from various forms of arthritis, such as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, making daily activities challenging. The treatment options are:
    1. Reverse Shoulder Replacement Surgery

    2. Hemiarthroplasty

    3. Total Shoulder Replacement

Reverse Shoulder Replacement Surgery

What is Reverse Shoulder Replacement?Shoulder pain - Reverse Shoulder replacement

Reverse shoulder replacement surgery is a specialized procedure for treating severe shoulder arthritis or complex rotator cuff injuries. In this surgery the shoulder joint includes the upper arm bone (humerus) and the shoulder blade (scapula). The rounded end of the upper arm bone fits into a socket in the shoulder blade, allowing for a wide range of motion. Cartilage, tendons, and ligaments around the joint help support and move the shoulder smoothly.

In a reverse total shoulder replacement, the parts of the shoulder joint are switched. The metal ball is attached to the shoulder socket, and the plastic cup is attached to the top of the upper arm bone.


  • Significant pain relief
  • Improved shoulder function
  • Increased range of motion


Post-surgery recovery includes physical therapy to regain strength and mobility. Most patients experience substantial improvement in shoulder function and pain relief, although heavy lifting may be restricted.

  • What is Hemiarthroplasty?

Hemiarthroplasty is a type of shoulder replacement where only the ball (humeral head) is replaced with a metal prosthesis, leaving the natural socket (glenoid) intact. It is also known as Partial shoulder replacement.

It is a surgery where the worn-out surface of the upper arm bone (humerus) is replaced with a new, stemmed part. This procedure is usually done for arthritis in the shoulder when there’s not enough good bone left to do a full shoulder replacement. However, it’s not suitable for patients who have problems with the coracoacromial ligament, which is an important shoulder ligament. 

  • Significant pain relief
  • Preservation of natural bone structure
  • Improved shoulder function

Recovery includes physical therapy to regain movement and strength. Patients usually experience good pain relief and functional improvement, although the results may not be as dramatic as those achieved with total shoulder replacement. Read more about Hemiarthroplasty.

Total Shoulder Replacement

What is Total Shoulder Replacement?Shoulder pain - TSA

Total shoulder replacement, also known as total shoulder arthroplasty, or TSR involves replacing the damaged parts of the shoulder joint with artificial components. The procedure includes replacing the ball (humeral head) with a metal ball and the socket (glenoid) with a plastic socket.

  • Substantial pain relief
  • Improved shoulder function
  • Enhanced range of motion
  • Recovery

Post-operative recovery includes physical therapy to regain strength and mobility. Most patients achieve excellent pain relief and improved shoulder function, though full recovery may take several months. Read More about Total Shoulder Replacement.

  1. Shoulder fracture: A shoulder fracture is a break in one of the shoulder bones, typically the collarbone, scapula, or humerus. It causes pain, swelling, and difficulty moving the arm. Following are the treatment options for Shoulder Fracture.
    • Open Reduction and Internal Fixation (ORIF)
    • Just UNIC

Open Reduction and Internal Fixation (ORIF)

What is ORIF?

Open reduction and internal fixation is a surgery used to fix broken bones. The doctor uses plates, screws, or a rod inside the bone to hold it in place. This method is used for serious fractures where the broken bone has moved out of place or even broken through the skin.

Open reduction means the broken bone is fixed and realigned during surgery, unlike a Closed reduction internal fixation (CRIF). It is a surgical method to fix broken bones, which involves realigning the bones without cutting the skin. The surgeon uses manual manipulation to move the bones back into their correct position.

ORIF (Open Reduction and Internal Fixation) is done in one procedure with two steps: first, the bones are put back into their correct position (fracture reduction), and then metal implants are used to hold the bones together (internal fixation).

  • Stable fixation of fractures
  • Enhanced healing and bone alignment
  • Reduced risk of improper healing (malunion) or non-healing (non-union)

Recovery involves immobilization followed by physical therapy to restore movement and strength. Full recovery can take several months, but it usually leads to excellent outcomes in terms of pain relief and functional restoration.


What is JUST UNIC?Shoulder pain- Just Unic

JUST UNIC is a new method for fixing shoulder fractures that combines advanced technology with skilled surgical techniques to achieve the best results. It uses a special device that stabilizes the shoulder by placing a circular staple around the humeral head and connecting it to a sleeve inside the bone. This sleeve helps adjust the height of the humeral stem and keeps the space needed for reattaching the shoulder’s bone parts. This approach helps preserve the shoulder joint, even in patients with weakened bones like those with osteoporosis.

  • Smaller incisions
  • Reduced pain and scarring
  • Faster recovery times

Patients undergoing JUST Unic procedures typically experience shorter hospital stays and quicker recovery periods compared to traditional surgeries. Physical therapy is still necessary to regain full shoulder function.

3) Other Shoulder Problems: 

If one suffers from- Rotator cuff tears, Shoulder impingement syndrome, Labral tears, Shoulder instability, Frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis), Bone spurs causing pain and limiting movement, Bursitis or inflamed tissue, Recurrent shoulder dislocations, SLAP (superior labrum from anterior to posterior) tears. The treatment option is- “Shoulder Arthroscopic Surgery”.

 Arthroscopic Surgery

What is Arthroscopic Surgery?

Arthroscopic surgery is a minimally invasive procedure that uses a small camera (arthroscope) and specialized instruments to diagnose and treat shoulder problems. The surgeon makes small incisions and inserts the arthroscope to view the inside of the joint and perform necessary repairs. Read more about Arthroscopic Surgery.

  • Smaller incisions
  • Less post-operative pain
  • Faster recovery compared to open surgery

Recovery involves physical therapy to restore movement and strength.  Physical therapy is essential to restore full function and strength, and most patients can return to normal activities within a few months.

In conclusion, shoulder pain can be a significant barrier to living a full and active life, but numerous treatment options are available to help restore function and alleviate discomfort. From minimally invasive procedures like shoulder arthroscopy to more comprehensive surgeries such as ORIF, total shoulder replacement, and reverse shoulder replacement, each option offers unique benefits tailored to specific conditions. Consulting with an orthopedic specialist Dr. Preetesh Choudhary is essential to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for your individual needs. With the right approach and proper care, you can overcome shoulder pain and regain your strength and mobility, allowing you to return to the activities you enjoy most.


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