Types of Sports Injuries

Ankle TreatmentSports Injuries- Ankle treatment

No matter what kind of sports injury you get while participating in an activity or exercising, it’s critical to obtain a proper diagnosis before beginning treatment. The appropriate course of treatment will be determined by the severity of the damage. RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevate) is a home remedy that can be used in specific situations to relieve pain, reduce swelling, and hasten the healing process.

Ankle Sprain

An ankle sprain refers to damage to one or multiple ligaments in the ankle. Ligaments, akin to rubber bands, are bands of tissue that secure joints by connecting one bone to another. Ligaments stabilise the ankle joint by preventing side to side motion. The outside of the ankle is where ankle sprains most frequently happen.

Ankle sprains can vary in severity. The amount of ligaments implicated, as well as whether or not the ligament is totally ripped, determine the severity of an ankle sprain. Ankle sprains differ from strains, as strains affect the muscles rather than the ligaments. Read More About Ankle Sprain

Elbow Treatment- Tennis Elbowsports injuries- elbow pain

Tennis elbow, medically known as lateral epicondylitis, is a painful condition involving inflammation of the tendons on the outer side of the elbow, typically caused by overuse or repetitive motion. Read More About Tennis Elbow.

Wrist Pain

Wrist pain is the pain in which discomfort or soreness is in the wrist joint, often caused bySports Injuries- Wrist pain injury, strain, repetitive motions, or underlying conditions like arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome. Symptoms include stiffness, swelling, weakness, and limited range of motion. Treatment may involve rest, ice, pain relievers, physical therapy, splinting, or surgery in severe cases. Read more about Wrist Pain.

A physical therapist may be needed to treat an elbow injury because it can be an unpleasant experience. Understanding the different ligaments and muscles in the elbow, along with common elbow injuries, will aid in comprehending the specific damage and rehabilitation process if you experience an elbow injury.

Dr. Preetesh Choudhary & team have a vast experience in treatment of Tennis elbow and other injuries. We have successfully treated many patients suffering from it with comprehensive & personalized care. One can read more about the Injuries of Sports.